Five Simple Mindset Shifts For More Doing and Less Stressing featuring Alan P. Brown

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Overwhelmed with too many to-dos? Feel you never have enough time? Can’t get motivated for difficult tasks? 

While better time management and productivity hacks can help, our mindset – e.g., the lens through which we view events and situations – is the easiest and best place to start for solutions.


In this presentation, Alan P. Brown, ADHD Coach and creator of the award-winning ADD Crusher™ virtual coach videos for ADHD teens and adults, shares simple mindset shifts that create more calm and confidence, and open the door to productive action.


Whether you’re an overwhelmed parent of a differently-wired child or an ADHD adult looking for more traction in life, Alan’s evidence-based mindset-shifting strategies and hacks can help you increase the doing and decrease the stressing.

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