* One space is allocated per car. Vehicles must be registered before the event. If additional cars are joining you, please share this link with them. Spaces are limited. Please note that same-day registration is not permitted under any circumstances.
Event hours are 10:00am to 5:30pm. All cars are expected to be ready by 9:45am. No leaving until after 5:00pm. Please clean up your area once finished.
No refunds. All sales are final.
Bicycle & Pedal Car Registration
Available until May 4
* One space is allocated per car. Vehicles must be registered before the event. If additional cars are joining you, please share this link with them. Spaces are limited. Please note that same-day registration is not permitted under any circumstances.
Event hours are 10:00am to 5:30pm. All cars are expected to be ready by 9:45am. No leaving until after 5:00pm. Please clean up your area once finished.
No refunds. All sales are final.
Food Truck
Available until May 4
* The 10' x 10' food truck space, Booth, table, and chairs not included* Vendors may NOT sell sodas or water!** (Alianza de Hayward raises funds by selling sodas and water). Alameda County food permit, are NOT included. Generators must be located directly behind the booth. Event hours are 10:00am to 5:30pm. All vendors are expected to be ready by 9:45am. No tear-downs until after 5:00pm. All vehicles must be in parking lots. Please clean up your area once finished, and ask for information about grease disposal areas. No refunds. All sales are final.Vendors MUST demonstrate proof of permits required by the Environmental Health department in order to participate the day of the event.
10' x 10' Food/Beverage **
Available until May 3
* The 10' x 10' vendor space, Booth, table, and chairs not included* Vendors may NOT sell sodas or water!** (Alianza de Hayward raises funds by selling sodas and water). Alameda County food permit, are NOT included. Generators must be located directly behind the booth. Event hours are 10:00am to 5:30pm. All vendors are expected to be ready by 9:45am. No tear-downs until after 5:00pm. All vehicles must be in parking lots. Please clean up your area once finished, and ask for information about grease disposal areas. No refunds. All sales are final.
10' x 10' Non-Food Vendor *
Available until May 4
* The 10' x 10' vendor space, Booth, table, and chairs not included* Vendors may NOT sell sodas or water!** (Alianza de Hayward raises funds by selling sodas and water). Alameda County food permit, are NOT included. Generators must be located directly behind the booth. Event hours are 10:00am to 5:30pm. All vendors are expected to be ready by 9:45am. No tear-downs until after 5:00pm. All vehicles must be in parking lots. Please clean up your area once finished, and ask for information about grease disposal areas. No refunds. All sales are final.
10' x 10' Non-profit Organization
Available until May 4
* The 10' x 10' vendor space, Booth, table, and chairs not included* Vendors may NOT sell sodas or water!** (Alianza de Hayward raises funds by selling sodas and water). Alameda County food permit, are NOT included. Generators must be located directly behind the booth. Event hours are 10:00am to 5:30pm. All vendors are expected to be ready by 9:45am. No tear-downs until after 5:00pm. All vehicles must be in parking lots. Please clean up your area once finished, and ask for information about grease disposal areas. No refunds. All sales are final.
Water Bottle
Water Bottle or Soda Can for $2 each.
Soda Can
Water or Soda for $2 each.
ID Required. Must be consumed inside Beer Garden.
Alcoholic Seltzer
ID Required. Must be consumed inside Beer Garden.
Beer or Alcoholic Seltzer Bundle (4 Beers for $20)
ID Required. Must be consumed inside Beer Garden.
Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!