General Band Fee (REQUIRED:ALL Students)
REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS: Includes a band t-shirt, binder and supplies, contest fees, and clinician/judges' fees. *AVOID PAYING ADD'L PROCESSING FEES 1. Select OTHER from the dropdown 2. Type 0.00 to pay zero additional fees


Percussion Usage Fee (REQUIRED 7th/8th Percussion Students)
REQUIRED FOR ONLY 7th and 8th graders who play a percussion instrument. *AVOID PAYING ADD'L PROCESSING FEES 1. Select OTHER from the dropdown 2. Type 0.00 to pay zero additional fees
School-Owned Instrument Usage Fee (REQUIRED for some)
REQUIRED FOR STUDENTS WHO PLAY: Oboe, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Bari-Sax, French Horn, Euphonium, Tuba. If your student currently has their instrument, you have already paid this fee. *AVOID PAYING ADD'L PROCESSING FEES 1. Select OTHER from the dropdown 2. Type 0.00 to pay zero additional fees


OPTIONAL - Extra Rogers MS Band T-Shirt
Cost is $15 for each extra shirt being ordered. OPTIONAL if you'd like to order an extra shirt, as one is already included with the required $100 Band Fee. *AVOID PAYING ADD'L PROCESSING FEES 1. Select OTHER from the dropdown 2. Type 0.00 to pay zero additional fees


Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!

Rogers Band Registration

Required BAND fees:

  • $100.00 - General Band Fee ALL Students (includes shirt, binder and supplies, contest fees, and clinicians/judge fees)

  • $50.00 - Percussion Usage Fee (7th and 8th grade Percussion Students Only)

  • $100.00 - School-owned instrument usage fee (oboe, bassoon, bass clarinet, tenor or bari-sax, french horn, euphonium, tuba). If your student currently has their instrument, you have already paid this fee.

Optional BAND fees:

  • $15.00 each - OPTIONAL Extra Rogers MS Band T-Shirt


  1. Electronically* - using this form and Zeffy checkout. (debit, credit, etc.) 
  2. Check - Exact amount only, made payable to "WGHSBBA" or "Walnut Grove Band Booser Association"
  3. Cash - Exact amount only.


1. Select OTHER from the dropdown

2. Type 0.00 to pay zero additional fees

The Walnut Grove Band Booster Association acts as our "umbrella" booster club.