Feed a camper for one day
Thanks to your sponsorship, one camper will be provided with a healthy and nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner — all they need to fuel their fun, education, and adventure for a full day!
Help a kid travel to Camp Tibet
Thanks to your sponsorship, free transportation will be provided to a camper who would otherwise not be able to get to Camp Tibet.
Sponsor a Tibetan camp counselor
Your donation will help make it possible to bring a Tibetan volunteer camp counselor to Camp Tibet.
Send a kid to Camp Tibet!
Your donation will help make it possible for a camper to attend Camp Tibet — and experience a life-changing week of learning and adventure, camping on a lake in the Adirondack mountains.
Sponsor a special guest speaker or presenter
Thanks to your sponsorship, we will be able to bring a Tibetan mentor, Buddhist scholar or artist to visit Camp Tibet and meet with campers.
Sponsor a Camp Tibet program
Your sponsorship will help Camp Tibet provide both traditional summer camp activities and programs focused on Tibetan language and culture.
Feed the whole Camp!
Feed all the campers — and our volunteer youth counselors — for one whole day — breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and s’mores for everyone!
Sponsor Camp Tibet’s Family Tuition Assistance Fund
As a Sponsor of our Family Tuition Assistance Fund, your kindness will help make it financially possible for families of 10 young Tibetans — who otherwise could not afford the full camp tuition — to send their children to Camp Tibet.


BECOME A FOUNDING SPONSOR of Camp Tibet today — and help Tibetans give their children this opportunity to strengthen their connections with their culture, their language and their community — with your generous donation of $10,000, or more. THANK YOU!


Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!

Donate to Camp Tibet

Join us in supporting Camp Tibet — and help the next generation of Tibetans preserve Tibetan culture!

An exciting new project offering children from Tibetan refugee families the chance to attend a great summer camp —at an amazing location — Camp Tibet is an incredible opportunity for Tibetan girls and boys to experience the wonder of nature while being immersed in Tibetan culture, language, history, dance, music, art, food and more — led by experienced Tibetan youth counselors, with the help of special guests such as lamas, mentors, scholars and others.  

Whether you choose to send a young Tibetan to camp for a week, feed a camper for a day, or sponsor a Tibetan youth counselor, every dollar of your donation counts — because 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go directly to Camp Tibet!  


By making your donation to Camp Tibet today using Zeffy — a secure, 100% free online fund-raising platform for nonprofits 
 — you make it possible for 100% of your donation to go to supporting Camp Tibet!  Because there are no credit card processing or transaction fees when you make your donation to Camp Tibet through the Zeffy account of a founding sponsor of Camp Tibet, the Conservancy for Tibetan Art & Culture — a non-profit 501(c)3 foundation that has been working since 1997 to help Tibetans preserve their endangered culture.  (You will also have the option of making your donation to Camp Tibet by check.)

When you complete your donation to Camp Tibet through Zeffy, 
you will be asked if you’d like to give an additional contribution — you can leave a suggested percentage of your donation, an amount of your own choice — or even $0!  It’s all voluntary.  Even if you choose not to leave an additional contribution, Camp Tibet still gets 100% of your donation.

Your donation to Camp Tibet will help young Tibetans strengthen their connections with their cultural identity, and build life-long friendships with other young Tibetans. Join us today in supporting this exciting new program — and help Tibetans secure a future for their ancient culture.