Duke's Night 2025



Thursday, May 8

3:30 AM - 6:00 AM

2909 Kalākaua Ave

Honolulu, HI 96815, USA


Our mission is to financially support the development of individuals and organizations that perpetuate the spirit and legacy of Duke Kahanamoku.


Duke’s Night is a festive community event that brings together students, their friends, and families to recognize scholarship winners' accomplishments and encourage them to lead as Ambassadors of Aloha. All awardees are invited from across the islands to be celebrated publicly on stage. The top candidates for the Duke Award will be showcased as part of a panel, followed by a live, white envelope reveal of the top scholarship awardee. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and the program will start at 6:00 p.m.

Tentative Program:

5:00 PM - Scholar Check-on

5:30 PM - Doors Open, Public Check-in Begins, Buffet Dinner Opens 

6:00 PM - Program will begin around this time

8:00 PM - Event Ends


The Ambassador of Aloha Award is a one-time scholarship, of up to $5,000, granted to multiple high school seniors or full-time undergraduates. The applicant must be a resident of Hawaii, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and compete in canoeing, surfing, kayaking, swimming, diving, sailing, water polo, related water sports, or volleyball.

The Duke Award is a one-time award of up to $15,000, created to recognize an outstanding Hawaii high school senior who excels in academics, athleticism, and community service, and who exemplifies the character and personality traits of Duke Kahanamoku


There will be onsite parking at the venue. Additional street parking may be found on the opposite side of Kapiolani Park along Paki Avenue, a quick walk directly across the park from the mauka side.


The dress code is casual but please note that tank tops, swimwear, and/or rubber slippers are not acceptable on the Koa Lanai where the event will be held.

For more information, contact info@dukefoundation.org

Title Sponsorship

1 left!

This is a group ticket, it includes 10 tickets
Corporate logo on all owned media. Logo on scholar t-shirts (by 4/2). Logo displayed throughout the show. Mahalo by emcee at the event. Speaking opportunity during the program. Individual thank you on social media. 10 tickets to the event with plated dinner and beverages. Premium wine for the table. If your company will not use all the seats, please notify info@dukefoundation.org so we can donate the tickets to students. This website only accepts amounts up to $4,999. Please remit title sponsorship by check to ODKF, P.O. Box 160924, Honolulu, HI 96816, or contact info@dukefoundation.org for other payment options.


Event Sponsor - Gold Level
This is a group ticket, it includes 8 tickets
Corporate logo on all owned media. Logo on scholar t-shirts (committed by 4/2). Logo displayed throughout the show. Mahalo by emcee at the event. Individual thank you on social media. Includes 8 tickets to the event which include complimentary dinner and beverages. If your company will not use all the seats, please notify info@dukefoundation.org so we can donate the tickets to students.


Event Sponsor - Silver Level
This is a group ticket, it includes 4 tickets
Corporate logo on all owned media. Logo displayed periodically during the show. Mahalo by emcee at event. Thank you on social media. Includes 4 tickets to the event which include complimentary dinner and beverages. If your company will not use all the seats, please notify info@dukefoundation.org so we can donate the tickets to students.


Add a donation for Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation
Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!