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PSSCA Fundraiser Movie Matinee: "Dad's Lunch Box"

Event closed

Double Feature Matinee and Post-Movie Hangout.

DAD'S LUNCH BOX and Side-by-Side: a Beer Collaboration

Doors open at 1:30pm.  Show starts at 2:00pm

Join PSSCA for a $5 Japanese Film Double Feature Matinee -- featuring two films -- the Japanese film Dad's Lunch Box by Masakazu Fukatsu and a film by local Portland Film maker, Elijah Sprints. 

Dad's Lunch Box is a wonderful, heartwarming film inspired by the real-life story of a Japanese father who, for the three years his daughter spent at high school, prepared a daily bento lunch box for her – leading to delicious, interesting, or offbeat creations. In all cases, he put an effort into equipping his daughter with sustenance for school….and life. Based on a viral tweet that was shared 80,000 times and liked by more than 260,000. This movie will be shown in Japanese with English subtitles. 

Side-by-Side: A Beer Collaboration is a short film by Portland filmmaker Elijah Sprints. In his lush, beautiful film,  

Japanese, Danish, and Portland brewmasters meet and discuss their respective styles and passions for the art of brewing beer. 

AND...after the matinee... join PSSCA members for a post-movie hangout and discussion which starts at 4:30pm at the Portland Food Hall (upstairs area):  827 SW 2nd Ave, Portland, OR 97204.  Food and drink are available for purchase. We hope to see everyone there!


About PSSCA:

PSSCA's mission is to foster and promote friendship and mutual understanding through exchanges and interactions between the people of Portland and Sapporo to build a foundation for a more peaceful and sustainable world. You can learn more at our website.