Program Partner

For a $50 sponsorship, you can become a Program Partner!

Your donation supports the program(s) of your choice, allowing us to continue providing artful opportunities to those in our community.  Program Partners will be featured on the designated page on the Art Reach website.

Art Flair
Art Flair is our exhibition and auction of embellished furniture items, made possible by local builders, artists and downtown hosts. Funds raised go toward Art Reach's class tuition voucher program.
Parade of Trees Auction
Parade of Trees Auction is our largest annual fundraiser for operational support.
Brunch in the Garden
Brunch in the Garden is held each summer in the beautiful gardens of Mountain Town Station.
Club Create
Club Create is a twice monthly program for adults with disabilities, providing art experiences and social interaction to an underserved demographic. Offered in partnership with Michigan Arts Access.
Day With the Arts
Day With the Arts is a showcase of various art forms, demonstrated by local artists in our elementary schools.
Festival of Banners
A public art exhibit of banners painted by community members, displayed on light poles throughout Downtown Mt. Pleasant, Union Township and the Village of Shepherd.
Gallery Exhibitions
Art Reach provides opportunities for regional artists to exhibit their works in the Morey Family Gallery. The gallery is free and open to the public.
Kids Calendar
Art Reach provides an annual calendar and exhibit showcasing the artwork of local elementary students.
Murder Mystery Fundraiser
The Murder Mystery Fundraiser is an annual event, featuring a mystery dinner theater full of fun, laughs and audience participation. A portion of the proceeds benefit Art Reach's class tuition voucher program.


Wee Wednesdays
A bi-monthly program for toddler and pre-K students, exploring art, reading and tactile development.
Wellspring Literary Series
Wellspring is a literary series presenting poetry readings by regional writers, in partnership with CMU's English Department.
Add a donation for Art Reach of Mid Michigan
Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!