Saturday, March 22
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
6800 Camp Robinson Rd
North Little Rock, AR 72118, USA
On Saturday, March 22, join us on the Farm for the 11th Annual Feast of St. Joseph Celebration!
St. Joseph's Feast Day is a Sicilian tradition to welcome Spring and give thanks for the bounty of the coming season! The tradition also includes sharing that bounty with others in need. A St. Joseph Altar will be set up to accept nonperishable food items as guests arrive at 11am followed by a Blessing of the SJ Gardens to welcome the abundance spring brings. At 12 noon, a spaghetti lunch will be served including salad, bread, & dessert and a reading of the story Giovanni and the Fava Beans to share the significance of fava beans during times of famine.
Lunch tickets are $10 and children under 7 eat free! Please invite your friends, family & neighbors to this special day to celebrate St. Joseph while raising funds to preserve our heritage at St. Joseph Farmstead.