MLCS "Cougar Shootout" Sponsors

Event closed

Dear Community Member,

The Mother Lode Christian School is hosting our first annual golf tournament fundraiser on April 12th 2025. We hope to host this event every year and all proceeds will go to improving our facilities, supporting families, faculty, assuring long term financial stability and strengthening our bonds within the community.

As a respected business owner within our community, we kindly ask for your assistance in achieving these objectives. Your contribution will not only make a significant impact but also align with our mission to create an educational environment where students are encouraged to seek God's best in all aspects of their lives.

Add a donation for Mother Lode Christian School
Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors will be recognized as our main sponsor and will appear on all marketing materials, T-shirts and Banners. This includes a golf team of four participating in the tournament.
Gold Sponsor
Gold sponsors will appear on all marketing material, banners and will be recognized as one of our VIP sponsors. This includes a golf team of four participating in the tournament.
Silver Sponsor
Silver sponsors will appear on most marketing materials and banners.
Host a Hole
Host a hole sponsors will have the opportunity to host a hole and oversee a game on each tee box and promote their business. day of participation is required. Sponsor will appear on sponsor banner.
Sponsor a Hole
Sponsor a hole and have an 8x11 sign posted at a tee box advertising your business.
Did you know? We fundraise with Zeffy to ensure 100% of your purchase goes to our mission!