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Fundraising ideas

45 Best Church Fundraising Ideas To Raise Money in 2024

October 27, 2024

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Weekly tithes and offerings can cover your church's basic expenses but you may need extra funds once in a while. The best church fundraising ideas are ones that bring your community together and also raise money. These 45 creative ideas will help you organize unforgettable yet exciting fundraising events. 

Our Favorite Church Fundraising Ideas

Fun and Creative Ideas For Church Fundraising 

If you want to raise funds by uniquely engaging your church community, these fundraising ideas for churches are fun and creative.

1. Host a Morning Cafe

Let's be honest: who doesn't like to start their day with a hot cup of coffee? Offering a hot cup of joe is a great idea. Church members usually pick up a cup while driving to work or running their errands, so you know you have some people lining up to buy it. Offering a bagel or scone with it would be like the cherry on top!

Decide on a strategic location, collect a few volunteers, and assemble your stand. Also, decide whether to offer homemade items or partner with a local coffee shop. You might be surprised to know how willing local coffee shops may be to donate supplies! They might even offer free cups and lids.

2. Teach a New Skill

Another way to raise money for churches is to host an event where the congregation can learn by paying a small entry fee that will benefit your church service. 

Do you have musical church members, professional woodworkers, or avid gardeners in your congregation? Maybe you have people skilled in website development, social media, or sewing. 

Consider organizing a church fundraiser where people participate to teach others some skills they're good at. Charge a reasonable fee and encourage participation by promoting the event through multiple channels. This makes for a great club fundraising idea wherein different kinds of clubs and communities can turn their shared passion into a fundraising opportunity.

And, of course, you have Zeffy's 100% free online event ticketing platform that makes organizing these workshops and selling tickets a breeze!

3. Talent Shows 

A talent show is a perfect church fundraising idea to help engage members of all ages. Plus, you don't have to spend much on organizing the event, and it's a pretty fun way to raise money. Here's how you can plan the show:

  • Choose a date or low-cost/free venue - school auditoriums, church buildings, or community recreational venues. 
  • Recruit volunteers and decide which acts, such as dancing, comedy, magic, or juggling, will be eligible.
  • Promote your talent show through social media, word of mouth, and direct channels. Look for local businesses or other communities to sponsor your show. 
  • Close the registration after a certain period to keep the show at a reasonable length.

4. Collect and Auction Items 

One of the top church fundraiser ideas is an auction. Most of the items sold can be sourced at a low cost or donated by community members.

Inform community members about the auction and urge them to donate items that are old, not needed, or unusable. Don't forget to check the donated items and see if they need fixing. Most importantly, promote your auction on social media or organize a virtual one, which will even attract non-members.

5. Bless The Pet 

People with pets consider them a significant part of their family. And many people will thus love the idea of having their pets blessed.

Choose a space for the event, outdoors or indoors, depending on the number of pets and weather. Ensure that you have enough space for both pets and their owners. Invite a church leader and charge a small fee for each blessing. Try to make the day even more special by offering a certificate or taking a family photo of owners with their little furry ones.

6. Outdoor Movie Night

Who would not enjoy a good movie, especially one that is outdoors? It offers a nice escape for people from their everyday routine and gives them a chance to mingle. 

You can throw a drive-in movie night in the church parking lot or a local park. Your church or other congregation members will probably have the required equipment already. These include a projector, DVD player, outdoor project screen, and speakers, so you don't have to spend much on this idea. 

Before the opening credits, thank everyone for coming and ask them to consider showing their support by sending a quick online donation. Another great way to raise a few dollars is by providing childcare services for a small fee during the movie.

7. Retro Game Night

Scrabble, Monopoly, Ludo! Nowadays, all these games are going virtual. While the convenience is great, there is something magical about simple, old-fashioned board games - whether it's relieving childhood memories, connecting with friends or neighbors, or finding solace with simplicity.

So, why not gather all the community members with a retro game night?

This church event for raising funds is as easy as asking other church members to bring in their favorite old games. Sell tickets charging a small entry fee of $1 or $2. You can even organize small prizes for the winners.

8. Hold a Ticketed Dinner 

The next church fundraiser idea is to sell tickets to a catered dinner in your family life center or outdoor parks. You may have someone in your congregation who can cater, or you can partner with a local restaurant to offer a meal at a discounted price. Some menu options include a barbecue spread, steak dinner, or an Italian feast.  

Churches quickly raise funds with this idea since it will allow families and friends to come together and enjoy restaurant meals by paying less. 

9. Offer Back-to-School Haircuts 

A unique church fundraising idea is offering donation-based back-to-school haircuts. When fall comes around, parents are typically busy getting their kids ready for the first day of school. Offering them this helpful service will bring them straight through your doors, and you can raise funds.

Ask hair stylists and barbers in your congregation if they're willing to donate their talent and time to the cause.

During the back-to-school season, you can also partner with local educational institutions and come up with fundraising ideas for schools as well as your church, such as a Bible Studies read-a-thon or a fun bake sale with the help of the students! 

This season also brings other opportunities for some fall fundraising campaigns such as a leaf-raking fundraiser or setting up a stall at your local fall fair. 

10. Church Calendar Sale

Another creative idea for church fundraisers is designing and selling a specific church calendar within your community. Almost everyone buys a calendar and would love to purchase one that supports their faith. 

So, start by picking a monthly theme related to Bible passages, church events, or any other topic. Include high-quality photos of events organized by your churches to reinforce your church's mission and contributions. You can sell the calendar during your church service, Sunday mornings, or other events to raise funds.

Popular Church Fundraiser Ideas for Virtual Events

Now more than ever, online fundraising is essential for churches to achieve their mission and keep donors engaged. Moreover, it is inexpensive, easier to coordinate, and a fun way to get your community on board!

11. Encourage Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Peer-to-peer fundraising is a great church fundraising idea. The process involves your current members promoting the campaign to their families and friends. Request congregation members to share your fundraiser with their network works because when a friend or family promotes something, people are more likely to believe it and contribute.

While peer-to-peer fundraising is a great way to collect donations, it can also be used to promote other church fundraising events. Provide your members with the items you will need to promote your fundraiser.

  • A brief description of the fundraiser event with a specific CTA
  • Links to your fundraiser webpage or donation forms
  • Shareable images, videos, and graphics

12. Social Media Fundraising Campaign 

With 72% of American adults using social media, it is a prime platform for fundraising campaigns. The church will find energetic supporters ready to spend money and help them meet their specific fundraising goal on social channels. 

However, picking the right social media platform is the key to success. The demographics of your donors and the content type will dictate which social channels to use. It would be best to focus on channels that make creating fundraising campaigns easy.

Facebook is better suited to reaching millennials. The platform enables you to create fundraising campaigns to share within your network and encourage immediate donations. Instagram's audience relies primarily on visual content and are between 18 and 34 years old. 

13. Online Donation Pages

Today, individuals looking to contribute prefer online platforms. So, design your online donation pages to reflect your Church's faith and values. You can provide congregation members with an easy way to make donations anytime, anywhere. They even help track and report donations.

To create an online donation page, the first thing to do is find an online giving software provider. Choose a provider that offers easy-to-use building tools, customization features, and tech support. Zeffy's 100% free online donation platform should also allow you to put up a donation form for easy access.  

14. Livestream Fundraising 

If your institution has organized a church choir or a charitable event on the ground, turn it into a virtual fundraising campaign by livestreaming the occasion. This will enhance the reach of your event and engage your donors.

By asking your supporters to donate while watching the live stream of the church choir, you can provide a chance for them to memorably engage with your event and feel part of something bigger. With a powerful livestream platform, you can simultaneously livestream your church fundraising event on your church's website, Facebook, YouTube channels, and Facebook, reaching a wider audience.

15. Send out a Fundraising Newsletter 

An easy church fundraising idea to ensure immediate action would be fundraising newsletters. With one click, members or guests can take action. Whether collecting donations for your church straight away or encouraging participants to sign up for church fundraising events, emails provide recipients the opportunity to act promptly without having to remember to do so later - like a bulletin in the service.

The good news is everyone reads emails, with 99% checking daily, and that too an astonishing 20 times a day! So check out these few tips to kickstart things:

  • Start with a note from the church leader, a greeting, or even offer a quick update about future church events.
  • Highlight the purpose of the event and the need for donations.
  • Include a clear and simple-to-find link to your online donation form. With Zeffy's 100% fee nonprofit software, you can create an effective online donation form and share it through your newsletters.
  • Remember the P.S. section at the end of the mail—it's consistently one of the most read portions. So, here, restate and reinforce your call to action.

Simple & Fun Church Fundraising Ideas For Engaging the Youth Group

If you're looking for exciting and engaging church fundraising ideas to stir up some enthusiasm in the youth, we have a few ideas to help you get started. 

16. Hold A Work-a-Thon 

Think of work-a-thon as the distant cousin of walk-a-thon, both rallying individuals together to focus on a common cause. Unlike walk-a-thons, where you plan a long-distance walk that supporters join, the work-a-thon involves a series of tasks.

Simply put, congregates collect pledges from supporters to do various types of work around the neighborhood. This could include yard work for the elderly, tutoring young people, or making repairs around the church. It's a great church fundraising idea because those who donate can support the church and also offer services to older people and the community.

The best people to target for work-a-thon are the church's youth, as this fundraising event provides opportunities for them to try their hands at different things. Youth are also full of energy and enthusiasm, making them great candidates for participating in work-a-thon.

With that said, work-a-thons are pretty straightforward to organize. 

  • All you need to come up with is a list of activities that are common and often most demanding for people, taking a lot of time and energy. 
  • You can decide on three or four tasks your congregation will offer around the neighborhood. 
  • Once done, encourage participation from the youth group by offering some kind of incentive. You can keep prizes and awards for different categories, like who performed the best in each task, who raised the most funds, and so on.
  • Inform people about the work-a-thons fund-raising events by distributing pamphlets, through social media groups, going door-to-door, or announcing in Sunday Mass.

17. Shoe Drive

Why not put the shoes your congregation members have outgrown into use? You can host a shoe fundraising drive and ask the youth group to volunteer to collect the used, gently worn, and extra pairs of shoes from supporters and friends. 

Here's how this idea can make a difference:

  • It raises money for your church without directly asking for funds
  • There are no out-of-pocket costs to organize this fundraising campaign
  • Everyone can contribute - from little kids to the elderly 
  • Donates shoes are repurposed and used, setting a positive example 

Now let's see how it works: you will need to recruit volunteers who will collect shoes door-to-door, especially from the elderly members. Or come up with a drop-off location where community members can come and donate their shoes. Additionally, you need to find an organization to pay you per pound of shoes you collect. 

You can expect a lot of participation, as people will jump at the chance to clean their houses and make a difference. 

18. Church Merchandise Sales

Putting out Church merchandise has dual benefits: it promotes community building and offers a financial avenue. You can work closely with designers to create themed church merchandise such as cups, T-shirts, water bottles, car stickers, and other items. The congregation can then sell these products. 

Even better, you can open an online store through Zeffy's 100% free e-commerce solution to sell merchandise year-round and generate a steady source of funds. 

19. Hunt for a Cause 

There is something enjoyable about looking for treasures, which makes a scavenger hunt or treasure hunt one of the great youth group fundraising ideas. It helps generate funds for your church, builds community spirit, promotes teamwork, and offers youngsters a break from their monotonous and hectic lives.

In a scavenger hunt fundraiser, you'll raise money by selling tickets for the events or asking for donations to participate in the hunt. And if you want to make the hunt a success, nothing can beat a bit of organized fun. Following these tips, you can inject a little structure into your fundraiser, elevating it from a 5 to a solid 10.

Decide The Location and Time

Choose a comfortable and spacious location, perhaps your street, park, or community hall. Also, set a time limit for the hunt—45 minutes to 2 hours.

Figure Out the Format of Hunt

Is it where participants get a list of items and race to find them? Or will you offer small hints to guide the participants from one item to another? Or are you planning to provide the teams with a list of tasks to complete and take photographs as proof? With scavenger hunts, the sky is the limit!

Create The List of Cues and Rules

Once you have decided on the format, create the list with items, cues, or tasks. Ensure that the targets are achievable and try to balance hard-to-get and easy-to-find cues. Also, come up with a set of rules to maintain healthy competition. 

Come Up With a Great Prize 

Ensure the prize at the end is worth it! You can offer a coupon for free dinner at a local restaurant or for a bowling alley. 

Tried and Tested Church Fundraising Ideas

When you're trying to beat the clock and need something relatively easy, these fundraising ideas are a great choice. They have withstood the test of time and are some of our favorite church fundraising ideas. 

20. Direct Mailing With Donation Letters

Contrary to popular belief, direct mailing is still an effective fundraising tactic. Mail has been around for a long time, and most people are familiar with it. Using direct mailing, the congregation can develop trust and deliver the message right into the hands of the ideal donor.

Personalized church donation letters also seem more unique as they require effort, ultimately pushing prospects to make a donation. When you frame the letter, keep the following in your mind:

  • Address the recipient personally so that readers know you value their support. Be sure to use "you" and "we" language, which helps add a touch of human interest to your donation letter.
  • If applicable, express sincere appreciation or gratitude for your recipient's past support.
  • Explain your mission and outline the impact of the donor's gift and how it will help make a key difference. Highlight the immediate need or deadline for fundraising, emphasizing the crucial impact of timely donations.
  • Offer various ways for donors to contribute, such as online donations, checks, cash, or even add a Q.R. code in your letter to ensure direct impact.

21. Organize a Fun Trivia Night

Trivia nights have become a staple in the fundraising world! The reasons for this are clear: trivia night offers a cost-effective and effective way to raise money, capitalizing on the fact that many people look forward to attending a night out with friends and family.

They contribute to a good cause, which is an added bonus for many attendees. Here's how you can organize a successful trivia night:

  • Identify your target audience: Are they for a specific group of people, or can families participate together?
  • Choose a suitable venue that can conveniently accommodate everyone. It could be a local community center, school hall, or restaurant.
  • Pick a date that works for all participants. Weekends are perfect.
  • Think of a theme that makes your trivia night special. It could be about town history, different places, presidents, and the Bible. Include visual and audio rounds to keep things interesting.
  • Encourage teams to register in advance. Charge a small entrance fee to play that you can decide based on the amount of funds you need for your cause.
  • Promote your trivia night by highlighting the cause with flyers, local community channels, WhatsApp groups, social media, and word of mouth.
  • Offer a prize to the winning team: gift cards, trophies, or merchandise.
  • Don't forget to set up a table with snacks and drinks!

22. Release A Church Cookbook

Have you heard that the way to heart is through the stomach? So, why not release a church cookbook to capture the hearts of people and motivate them to donate?

It's simple. People love good food. And hardly anyone can say no to a book that holds personalized recipes perfect for dinner parties or occasional gatherings.

So, invite your church members to contribute their favorite recipes, whether family favorites, holiday favorites, or innovative creations. Encourage church members to share a brief story about the memory associated with their recipe—this will give the recipe a personal touch and add value and charm.

Once your cookbook is ready, promote it through social media and local communication channels, and organize a sale on Sunday Mass. 

You can also move one step ahead and market your cookbook to local bookstores or sell it online. This expands your fundraising reach while raising awareness for your church and cause.

23. Run a Sweet Bake Sale

The sweetest way to raise money is to hold a bake sale. There's something incredibly gratifying about whipping up a batch of treats to provide much-needed financial support.

In addition to the money raised, this timeless and favorite church fundraising idea is perfect for getting your congregation together and getting your church members involved through the beloved language of food. 

So, call upon your congregation and collect volunteers who will bake, help sell, and organize the event. Keep these things in mind, though:

  • When deciding what to sell, consider everyone's favorite sweet treats, such as cornflake cakes for little ones, right through to savory bakes like pastries, quiches, and pies. Brownies, flapjacks, and chocolate chip cookies are all winners, too.
  • Be sure to cater to people with different dietary requirements by offering gluten-free, vegan, and dairy-free options.
  • Price the items reasonably to promote sales. You can offer a mix of smaller, affordable treats alongside larger, more expensive items.

After your church services are let out on Sunday mornings, have your congregants put the baked goods on display so that members looking for some after-service sweets can contribute in exchange for a delicious cookie or cupcakes. With Zeffy's tap-to-pay service, you can easily accept all payments on your iPhone. 

24. 50/50 Raffle

A 50/50 raffle is a sure-shot and exciting idea for raising funds, as the stakes are much higher for participants.

It comes with a sense of excitement, making it a suitable way to engage people in fundraising. Plus, it's an inexpensive way to host a charity fundraiser. All you need are raffle tickets and a place to keep the entry fees (you can create and sell raffle tickets with Zeffy 100% free online raffle platform)

Like the traditional raffle, the church and the winner split the funds. Winning half of the money is an excellent incentive for all congregation members. They will be motivated to give more, encouraging participation so that the funds raised are higher.

To ensure more donations, allow the congregants to enter more than once and sell tickets for $1 or even $5 and $15—don't make the entry amount too high. Announce the winner during church service or after a sermon (which will also ensure more attendance).

Best Small Church Fundraising Ideas 

Smaller congregations must focus on easy church fundraising ideas that don't demand a hefty sum or extensive human resources. Let's dive into these: 

25. Family Photoshoots 

Request any talented congregation members to volunteer and help with the family photoshoot. Ask families to pose for photos in exchange for donations. You can offer a framed family photo or share it virtually. 

It's an easy church fundraising idea that even parents will appreciate as they won't have to pay a professional studio price to take a family picture.  

26. 'Make Some Noise' Fundraiser

With this fun fundraising idea, you can spark participation from the congregation's youth group and even assign Sunday morning school students a particular task. They will run up and down the aisles, making as much noise as possible with half-empty cans and jars to persuade people to place their loose change into the containers to end the noise. 

Once all the cans and jars are filled, the fundraiser is over. Although it may seem strange, you can raise a lot of money through other people's change. This is an excellent fundraising idea for colleges looking for a unique, fun event for their students.

27. Partner With Local Businesses

Many businesses are looking for ways to be involved in the community, especially if they're based locally. Partnerships where a business sponsors a church are even mutually beneficial. You secure funding, and the companies benefit from tax breaks. 

When reaching out to a potential business, ensure your idea is unique and memorable. Start by crafting a compelling narrative around your cause – explain your church's history and impact on the community.

Next, decide whether you want the business to directly offer money for your cause or promote and collect funds for your campaign. This is called cause marketing. For instance, a nearby store can ask customers at checkout if they want to donate something to the charity.

28. Seek Help From Other Nonprofit Organizations

It takes time and considerable effort to find and reach local businesses for church fundraising. The good news is some organizations can help you connect with potential funders who will support your missions and help raise funds.

One such notable organization is Catholic Charities USA, which supports local Catholic charities across the country. They provide training, resources, and guidance on how to apply for foundation grants. What's more, they connect you with donors aligned with your mission.

Another helpful organization is Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities (FADICA). An association of private philanthropists, it connects donors who want to support catholic causes with eligible institutions seeking funds.

Furthermore, other nonprofit organizations outside the Catholic community are ready to help with their grant programs. You can collaborate with these organizations if they are running active nonprofit fundraising campaigns that align with your church's vision.

29. Holiday Fundraisers 

Christmas is a time of joy, celebration, and giving, making it the perfect opportunity for churches to engage their community and raise funds. You can host a small festive Christmas carnival featuring a nativity scene, holiday crafts, and photos with Santa. Congregants can also enjoy a heartwarming Christmas carol concert performed by your church choir, for which you can sell tickets or accept donations. 

You can also launch an online Advent calendar campaign, revealing daily stories of your church's impact and encouraging donations throughout the season.

Other holidays like Thanksgiving and Easter also offer unique fundraising opportunities. You can even consider Valentine's Day fundraising ideas for events throughout the year. Partner with a nonprofit and organize a Thanksgiving community dinner as a nonprofit holiday fundraising idea and provide for those in need. As a fun spring fundraising idea, plan a festive Easter egg hunt or a sunrise service followed by a fun pancake breakfast fundraiser! 

30. Gospel Karaoke Night

Host a fun-filled karaoke night with a gospel twist. Invite members of the congregation and the community to sing their favorite hymns, praise songs, or even Christian contemporary hits.

Set up a stage in the church hall with a karaoke machine or connect to an online karaoke service. Charge an entry fee, and offer refreshments like coffee and desserts for additional donations. To make it more exciting, you can have a panel of friendly judges and offer small prizes for categories like "Best Performance" or "Most Spirited Singer."

It’s a joyful way to celebrate faith through music while fostering fellowship. Plus, everyone loves a good sing-along!

31. Faith-Filled Cook-Off

Organize a cook-off where members can showcase their culinary skills, featuring dishes inspired by biblical stories or traditional foods from different cultures represented in your congregation.

Have categories like “Best Loaves and Fishes Dish,” “Most Creative Manna Recipe,” or “International Favorites.” Charge a fee for participants to enter their dishes and sell tasting tickets to those who want to sample and vote for their favorites. You can also auction off the winning recipes or entire meals.

Food brings people together, and this cook-off not only raises funds but also celebrates the diversity and creativity within your church community.

32. Church Yard Sale

Collect donated items from church members in advance. Set up different stations for selling, repairing, and perhaps even upcycling old items into something new. It’s a sustainable way to raise funds, and the added “fix-it” station makes it more than just a sale—it’s a service to the community.

33. Scripture Memory-a-Thon

Challenge the congregation, especially the youth, to a scripture memory marathon where they memorize and recite verses for sponsorship.

Set a goal for the number of verses to be memorized. Participants can ask friends, family, and church members to sponsor them per verse they memorize. Host a recitation event where participants showcase their memory work, and reward those who meet their goals.

This encourages deep engagement with scripture, and it’s a spiritual exercise that benefits both the participant and the sponsors.

34. Blessing Bags for the Homeless

Gather your congregation to donate items like toiletries, snacks, socks, and water bottles. Host a packing event where families can come together to assemble the bags. Set a donation amount for each bag, and encourage people to sponsor multiple bags. After assembly, organize a group to distribute the bags to local shelters or directly to those in need.

This idea combines fundraising with direct service to the community, providing both practical help and spiritual encouragement to those in need.

35. Bible Trivia Night

Host a trivia night with questions focused on the Bible, church history, and Christian traditions. Create teams of participants and prepare trivia questions in varying difficulty levels. Charge an entry fee for teams and offer snacks and beverages for sale. Award small prizes to the winning team, like a gift card or a book. To make it more engaging, consider including a “Lifeline” option where teams can donate for a hint.

36. Faith-Based Craft Fair

Host a craft fair where church members and local artisans sell handmade goods with Christian themes or messages. Invite crafters from the church and community to participate by setting up booths in the church hall or parking lot. Charge a fee for booth space, and ask for a small percentage of sales as a donation. Promote the event to the wider community and include a kids' craft corner where younger attendees can make simple crafts.

It supports local artisans while raising funds and provides a platform for members to share their creativity and faith.

37. Pancake Breakfast with a Message

Organize a pancake breakfast, but with a unique twist—each table has a small card with a scripture verse or inspirational message for discussion.

Cook up a delicious breakfast with pancakes, syrup, and all the fixings. Set up tables with different themes, each featuring a Bible verse or topic for discussion. Charge a set price for the breakfast, and encourage participants to sit with new people to foster fellowship. Add a donation jar on each table for those who want to contribute more.

This is a warm, welcoming way to bring people together over food, with the added benefit of spiritual conversation.

38. Fitness Class

Partner with a fitness instructor who is willing to lead classes like yoga, Pilates, or Zumba with a Christian twist. Charge a fee for each class or offer a package deal for a series of sessions. Classes can be held in the church hall or outdoors, and you can include a short devotional or prayer time at the beginning or end of each session.

This idea promotes physical health alongside spiritual well-being, and it can appeal to a wide range of participants, from youth to seniors.

39. Adopt-a-Pew Campaign

Offer members of the congregation the opportunity to “adopt” a pew, dedicating it in honor of a loved one or for a specific prayer intention.

Set a donation amount for each pew and allow members to adopt one for a year. In return, they can have a small plaque installed on the pew with their dedication. Host a special service to bless the pews and acknowledge the donors. You could also provide a certificate or a small gift as a token of appreciation.

This idea gives members a tangible way to contribute to the church, and the dedications can be a meaningful and lasting part of the church’s interior.

40. Faith-Based Escape Room

Create an escape room experience with biblical themes and puzzles that participants solve to “escape” within a set time limit.

Design a series of rooms or sections within the church, each with puzzles, riddles, and challenges based on Bible stories or Christian history. Charge an entry fee for teams to participate, with prizes for the fastest teams. Offer multiple sessions to accommodate different groups, and consider creating different levels of difficulty to appeal to all ages.

This interactive, team-based activity is both fun and educational, making it a great way to engage the congregation and raise funds.

41. Christian Book Fair

Organize a book fair focused on Christian literature, including Bibles, devotionals, and books by Christian authors.

Partner with a local Christian bookstore or publisher to supply books, or ask congregation members to donate gently used Christian books. Set up tables with different categories, and offer discounts for bulk purchases. Promote the event in advance, and consider adding author readings or book signings to attract more attendees. You can also include a children’s section with Christian storybooks and activities.

A book fair encourages spiritual growth and education while raising funds through book sales and donations.

42. Church-Sponsored 5K Run

Organize a 5K run/walk event sponsored by the church, with registration fees and sponsorships going to support church programs.

Choose a scenic route near the church and work with local authorities to ensure safety and proper permits. Promote the event to church members and the wider community, encouraging participants of all ages and fitness levels. Charge a registration fee and offer the option for participants to get sponsors who pledge a certain amount per kilometer completed. Provide water stations and finish-line refreshments, and award medals or certificates to participants.

43. Faith-Inspired Art Classes

Offer a series of art classes focused on creating faith-inspired artwork, such as painting, drawing, or sculpture.

Partner with a local artist or art teacher to lead the classes, focusing on themes like biblical scenes, symbols, or personal expressions of faith. Charge a fee for each class, including materials, or offer a discounted rate for the entire series. Display the completed artwork in the church or host an exhibition where pieces can be sold, with proceeds benefiting the church.

This idea allows participants to explore their creativity while deepening their faith, making it a fulfilling and meaningful fundraiser.

44. Gospel Music Festival

Organize a music festival featuring gospel choirs, bands, and soloists from your church and the surrounding area.

Reach out to local gospel musicians and choirs to perform at the festival, and set up a stage either indoors or outdoors, depending on the season. Sell tickets in advance and at the door, and offer food, drinks, and merchandise for sale during the event. You can also include a fundraising segment where attendees can make additional donations during a special song or prayer.

A gospel music festival is a vibrant way to celebrate faith through music, attracting a wide audience and raising significant funds through ticket sales and donations.

45. Christian Comedy Night

Host a comedy night featuring clean, faith-based humor performed by local comedians or church members.

Find Christian comedians or talented church members willing to perform stand-up routines, sketches, or improv. Charge an entry fee and sell refreshments during the event. You can also include a donation segment where the audience can contribute while enjoying the show. Consider recording the event and selling DVDs or digital downloads for additional fundraising.

How Skillman Church of Christ Saved Over $2,000 by Fundraising with Zeffy

Skillman Church of Christ, located in Dallas, Texas, is a faith-based organization committed to fostering spiritual growth and community engagement. Their mission is to create a welcoming environment where individuals can deepen their faith and build meaningful relationships.

Skillman Church of Christ faced challenges when organizing their annual Summer Camp fundraiser. Managing ticket sales, payments, and registrations proved to be a complex and time-consuming process, hindering their ability to reach their fundraising goals efficiently.

To overcome these obstacles, Skillman Church of Christ collaborated with Zeffy, an online ticketing platform specializing in event management and fundraising. Zeffy's user-friendly ticketing system allowed supporters to purchase Summer Camp tickets easily and securely.

With Zeffy's real-time sales tracking and streamlined payment processing, Skillman Church of Christ could monitor its progress and adjust its strategies as needed. This partnership enabled it to focus on promoting its event, engaging with its community, and running a successful summer fundraising campaign

As a result, Skillman Church of Christ successfully raised $40,000 for their 2024 Summer Camp while saving $2,000 in fees through Zeffy's platform! 

Final Thoughts: What is the Best Church Fundraising Idea?

From traditional methods such as bake sales and trivia nights to unique ideas like peer-to-peer funding, every church can consider these options to collect some extra funds.

Seeking inspiration from these ideas and adapting them to your unique needs can help you create an impactful campaign that gathers higher donations and support your fundraising goals. 

An online free fundraising platform like Zeffy can help you execute and manage these fundraising campaigns more effectively. With its user-friendly interface and powerful suite of tools, Zeffy can simplify the process of creating, promoting, and tracking your church's fundraising efforts. Try Zeffy out for your next church fundraising campaign! 

Church Fundraising Ideas - FAQs

The most profitable fundraisers are often those with the most participation. Other times, they appeal to a broader donor base. Your aim should be to plan events with which anyone can get involved and activities that move the needle quickly.
For instance, trivia nights, outdoor movie nights, fundraising newsletters, and auctions are the best ways to raise money. Often, the best fundraising ideas can come from the community. Ask around, and people will inform you what gets them excited.

A church fundraiser is an event organized by a religious institution to raise funds to support their cause.
Since churches are considered a kind of nonprofit organization, they are completely self-funded. That means that maintaining the organization must be paid for by donations – the utilities, the landscaping, or any additional costs when something needs to be fixed or replaced.
Another objective of fundraising event planning is to highlight and encourage support for the church or specific ministry, its needs, and its mission.

Some fundraising ideas are pretty standard to encourage donations to the church. A Bake Sale is a popular, low-to-no-cost idea that enables church members to show off their baking skills and raise money for the church. Hosting a morning cafe is another good way for churches to attract the community's attention and raise funds.
Walk-a-thons are a staple of churches and nonprofits all over the country. Hosting a marathon shows your donors you're willing to sacrifice for your mission, and it encourages them to put in a little effort by donating. Fun runs, or 5Ks, are great fundraising opportunities for churches.

Once your church fundraiser is over, pat yourself on the back for your hard work while showing appreciation to those who contributed. A thank you card or a small gift can go a long way.
Make sure that you share this with all the sponsors and anyone who made the donation – whether it's direct money, a product, their time or even service.
Of course, you'll be holding more events in the future, so it's essential to reflect on what you worked on and what you didn't. Hold a formal meeting and ask your team to tell you what they think went well and what they believe could have gone better.
Also, don't forget to make an announcement to your congregation about how money you have collected.

Some of the mission trip fundraising ideas include:
Sponsorship Letters
Create personalized sponsorship letters defining the purpose of the mission trip. Send them to church members and the local community requesting financial support. Cover information on how donations will be used and other relevant details.
Online Crowdfunding
Set up an online crowdfunding campaign on Zeffy. Share the campaign on email, social media, and within the church community to raise money for mission trips. Encourage supporters to donate and share the message with their networks.
Fundraising Dinners
Organize fundraising dinners, potluck events, or galas at the church or another suitable venue. Charge a small fee and offer attendees a meal, entertainment, and some attending gifts. Consider having a short presentation that focuses on your mission trip goals.

Some of the ideas to collect church building funds:
Engraved Bricks
Sell engraved bricks used in gardens, walls, or pathways within the church premises. Donors will purchase the brick and add their message, name, or a memorial inscription. This will help to raise the church building fund and offer a tangible way for donors to leave their mark on the church.
Fundraising Gala
Organize a grand fundraising gala to celebrate the project and raise funds. Sell tickets to the event, which should include elements such as keynote speakers, light activities, and live entertainment to attract attendees and donors.
Apply for Grant Funding
Look for public grants specifically supporting church construction projects, such as the National Fund for Sacred Places. This fund supports religious institutions looking to preserve their historic buildings and offers financial support for various projects, including accessibility upgrades and structural repairs. Before applying, carefully review the eligibility requirements.

1. Be Transparent and Specific

  • Start with a clear purpose: Before reaching out to potential donors, ensure you have a well-defined purpose for the funds. Are you raising money for a specific project, like building renovations, community outreach programs, or a mission trip? Or are you seeking general support for ongoing church operations?
  • Break down the impact: Provide concrete examples of how donations will be used. For instance, “A $50 donation will help provide meals for 10 families in our community,” or “Your $100 donation will contribute to our youth program, helping us offer meaningful activities and mentorship to local teens.”
  • Create a story: Use visuals like charts, infographics, or videos to show how the funds will be allocated and the tangible outcomes they will produce. This not only builds trust but also helps donors visualize the impact of their contribution.
  • 2. Personalize Your Request

  • Know your audience: Before asking for a donation, take the time to understand the individual or group you're approaching. If you're reaching out to someone who has supported your church in the past, acknowledge their previous contributions and express your gratitude. For new donors, highlight how their first donation can make a significant difference.
  • Tailor your message: Customize your message to resonate with the recipient. For example, if you're speaking to a family, focus on how their donation can help support programs that benefit children and families within the church. If addressing a local business, emphasize how their support could enhance the church’s community outreach efforts, benefiting the broader neighborhood.
  • Get personal: Whenever possible, make your request in person or through a personalized letter or email. Use the recipient’s name, and include a personal note about why their support is meaningful. For instance, “John, your continued support has been a blessing to our church, and we’re hoping you’ll consider helping us again as we embark on this new project.”
  • 3. Use Multiple Channels

  • Diversify your outreach: Don’t rely on just one method to reach potential donors. Use a combination of face-to-face conversations, personalized letters, emails, social media posts, and announcements during church services. Each channel offers a different way to connect with your audience, increasing your chances of success.
  • Be consistent: Ensure that your message is consistent across all platforms. Whether someone reads about your fundraiser in an email, on your church’s website, or hears about it in person, they should receive the same core message about the need and the impact of their donation.
  • Leverage social media: Create engaging posts and updates about your fundraising efforts, and encourage sharing. Use your church’s website to provide detailed information about the fundraiser, including stories of impact, progress updates, and an easy way to donate online. Consider adding a donation tracker to show progress toward your goal, which can motivate people to give.
  • Host an event: Consider organizing a special event to launch or promote your fundraising campaign. This could be a virtual meeting, a church service dedicated to the cause, or a community event. Use this opportunity to explain the need, share stories, and make a direct ask for donations.
  • 4. Follow Up and Show Appreciation

  • Be prompt: After receiving a donation, send a thank-you note immediately. Personalize the message, expressing genuine appreciation for their support. If possible, mention how their specific donation will be used.
  • Provide updates: Keep donors informed about how their contributions are making a difference. Regular updates through newsletters, social media, or your church’s website help maintain transparency and reinforce the impact of their generosity.
  • Recognize donors publicly: Consider recognizing donors publicly, either in your church bulletin, on your website, or during a service (with their permission). This can encourage others to donate as well.
  • 5. Create a Giving Culture

  • Encourage recurring donations: Suggest options for recurring donations, making it easy for donors to contribute on a regular basis. Highlight how sustained support can lead to long-term impact.
  • Educate the congregation: Regularly educate your congregation about the importance of giving, not just financially but in terms of time and talents. Incorporate messages about stewardship and generosity into sermons and church communications.
  • Celebrate milestones: When you reach fundraising milestones, celebrate them with your congregation. This reinforces the sense of community and shared purpose, encouraging continued support.
  • When churches need to raise funds quickly, consider these ideas:
    Crowdfunding Campaign
    Launch an online crowdfunding campaign on platforms like Zeffy, which is free for nonprofits. Share your church's story, set a clear goal, and promote the campaign through social media and email.
    Implement a text-to-give service that allows donors to contribute by simply sending a text message. This method is fast and convenient and can be promoted during church services or events.
    Pop-Up Fundraisers
    Organize short-term fundraisers such as a car wash, bake sale, or themed dinner event. These quick events can engage your community and raise funds quickly.

    Collect in-person payments and donations with Zeffy's Tap To Pay

    Fundraising is important for churches to sustain their mission and cover operational expenses. It ensures that community outreach programs and social services can continue benefiting those in need. Additionally, fundraising events and campaigns provide opportunities for church members and the local community to come together, fostering unity and a shared sense of purpose.

    Setting up online giving is a convenient way to accept donations. Follow these steps:

  • Choose an online donation platform like Zeffy that specializes in nonprofit fundraising. Look for features such as customization options, mobile responsiveness, and donor management tools.
  • Embed a donation form or link to your giving page on your church's website. Make sure it is easily accessible from the main navigation menu.
  • Customize your giving page with your church's logo, colors, and messaging. Provide clear instructions and options for one-time or recurring donations.
  • Regularly communicate the availability and benefits of online giving to your congregation through announcements, bulletins, emails, and social media posts.
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