Find out how nonprofits can benefit from sales tax exemptions in 2024, with insights on eligibility, requirements, and exempt situations.
Nonprofits thrive with strong marketing strategies. Learn about the best marketing jobs for nonprofits with our guide - skills, salary, and job description.
Discover the true costs of starting a nonprofit in 2024. From legal fees to fundraising expensessu, learn how much does it cost to start a nonprofit.
Discover key elements and strategies for developing a nonprofit investment policy that mitigates risk and enhances sustainability.
A reverse raffle draws tickets in a backward sequence, with the last ticket pulled, winning the grand prize. Learn how to host a reverse raffle in 10 easy steps.
Learn what Form 990 is and how to file it with this step-by-step guide for tax-exempt organizations to meet federal requirements.
Explore the best budgeting software for nonprofits in 2024. Simplify financial planning, monitoring, and reporting with our curated list of solutions.
Discover how to optimize fundraising with the donor cycle. Learn steps to engage, retain, and maximize donor support.
Discover how to craft donor acknowledgment letters that resonate. Access templates and best practices for donor engagement.
Create digital membership cards for your nonprofit in seconds with Zeffy. Learn best practices and use our free membership card templates to strengthen your program.
Discover the various types of nonprofits, including charities, foundations, and social advocacy groups. Learn how each type functions and impacts communities.
Learn how to boost your nonprofit’s funds with our creative calendar raffle ideas and detailed template. Engage supporters with exciting daily or weekly prize draws.
Prepare your nonprofit financial statements with ease by understanding the four common types outlined in this helpful guide.
Engage donors effectively using this step-by-step guide for nonprofits. Start building stronger connections and sustainable fundraising strategies today!
Discover why donor retention is crucial for your fundraising efforts with this comprehensive guide. Learn how to measure success with these new strategies to retain donors.
501(c)(8) status applies to organizations that are fraternal beneficiary societies. Learn about 501(c)(8) organizations and how to apply for a tax-exempt status.
Does your nonprofit work to improve the lives of veterans and current armed forces members? Learn how to apply for a 5019(c)(19) status to maximize your impact.
As per the IRS, 501(c) is a designation for tax-exempt nonprofits. Explore different types of 501(c) organizations and check the steps for starting one.
Maximize your nonprofit's potential with these 20 expert-backed fundraising tips. Discover how to optimize your donation pages and host impactful events.
Discover 18 engaging animal shelter fundraiser ideas to raise funds and support animal welfare causes effectively in 2024.
Plan memorable events with our top 28+ fundraising ideas for kids. Organize fun activities like cupcake wars, scavenger funt, chili cook-off, or a sports camp.