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Nonprofit guides

Fundraising Email Writing Guide: Tips and Templates

September 8, 2024

Fundraising emails are one of the essential parts of any successful nonprofit organization — they help build connections with donors, raise awareness, and ultimately create a seamless end-to-end fundraising process. 

With the right tools, tips, strategies, and templates of course, you can get your fundraising emails sent in no time.

Why send fundraising emails?

Fundraising for nonprofits can take many forms — and email is one of the most popular ones of them all. Fundraising emails help nonprofits:

  • Engage and retain donors: Fundraising emails help maintain and strengthen the relationship between an organization and its donors. Regular communication keeps supporters informed about the impact of their contributions, upcoming campaigns, and opportunities to get involved, fostering a sense of connection and loyalty.
  • Save money: Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach a large audience and raise money for your charity. Compared to traditional direct mail or paid advertising, sending emails requires minimal resources while potentially yielding significant returns in donations.
  • Spread awareness: Fundraising emails are not just about asking for money; they are also a key tool for raising awareness about the organization’s mission, ongoing projects, and the issues it seeks to address. By educating donors and supporters through informative content, nonprofits can build a more engaged and informed donor base.

How to write powerful fundraising emails

1. Find your audience

  • Segment: Start by organizing your email database into different segments. You can group recipients based on criteria like donation history, engagement level, interests, and demographics. For example, you might have segments for recurring donors, first-time donors, lapsed donors, and event attendees.
  • Update: Ensure all contact details are up to date. Regularly clean your list to remove inactive email addresses and update any outdated information.
  • Personalize: Use your email marketing software to include personalization tags (e.g., [First Name]), which will automatically insert the recipient’s name and other relevant details into the email. Personalization increases the chances of your email being opened and read.

2. Consider your subject line

  • Be direct: Your subject line should be clear, concise, and to the point. It needs to grab attention immediately. Aim for a subject line that is no longer than 50 characters.
  • Convey yrgency: Use words that create a sense of urgency (e.g., "Last Chance to Double Your Impact!") or appeal to emotion (e.g., "Help Us Bring Hope to Families in Need").
  • Avoid spam triggers: Stay away from words that might trigger spam filters, such as "Free," "Urgent," or excessive use of exclamation points. This ensures your email reaches the inbox and not the spam folder.

3. Fine-tune your design

  • Use a clean layout: Choose a simple, clean layout that is easy to read. Avoid cluttering the email with too much text or too many images. Use headings, bullet points, and white space to make the content easy to scan.
  • Mobile optimize: Ensure your email is mobile-friendly. Many recipients will read your email on their smartphones, so the design should adapt to smaller screens without sacrificing readability.
  • Use consistent branding: Use your organization’s colors, logo, and fonts consistently throughout the email. This helps reinforce your brand and make your emails instantly recognizable.

4. Tell a story

  • Start with an emotional hook: Open your email with a powerful story or anecdote that immediately captures the reader’s attention. It could be a personal story about someone your organization has helped or a narrative about the challenges your cause addresses.
  • Focus on the beneficiary: Make the story about the people or communities who will benefit from the donor’s support. This personal connection helps donors see the real impact of their contribution.
  • Use visuals: If possible, include images or videos that complement your story. Visuals can make the story more engaging and memorable.

5. Use a single call to action — and show the impact of that action

  • Be specific: Your email should have one primary call to action (CTA), such as "Donate Now" or "Join Our Campaign." Make it clear what you want the reader to do next.
  • Use a CTA strategically: Place the CTA button prominently in the email, ideally above the fold so it’s visible without scrolling. Repeat the CTA at the end of the email for emphasis. Plus, be sure to use action-oriented language in your CTA. For example, "Help Feed a Family Today" is more compelling than "Click Here to Donate."
  • Use data: Incorporate relevant data or statistics that highlight the effectiveness of your organization’s work. For example, "90% of our donations go directly to programs that feed the hungry."
  • Share success stories: Include short testimonials or success stories from beneficiaries to show the real-world impact of previous donations.

6. Express gratitude

Of course, be sure to thank your donors for their past support and for considering your current appeal. A heartfelt thank you goes a long way in making the donor feel valued.

7. Monitor success

  • Watch key metrics: Track important email metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. These metrics provide insights into how well your emails are performing.
  • A/B test: Conduct A/B tests on different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, CTAs, and layout. This helps you understand what resonates best with your audience.
  • Adjust: Regularly review the performance data and adjust your strategy accordingly. If certain emails perform particularly well, analyze what made them successful and replicate those elements in future campaigns.

Fundraising email best practices

  • Embed video: Add a personalized video in your email from a beneficiary, staff member, or the founder. Video content is more engaging than text and helps build a stronger emotional connection with donors.
  • Leverage social proof: Include testimonials, donor recognition, or impact stories from previous campaigns to show potential donors that others are supporting your cause. Social proof can build trust and motivate more people to contribute.
  • Use a countdown: If your fundraising campaign has a deadline, incorporate a countdown timer within the email. This adds urgency and prompts quick action, especially as the end of the campaign draws near.
  • Keep it short: Focus your email on one key message, using concise language and short paragraphs, ensuring that your call to action is easy to find and understand within a quick read.
  • Make it easy to give: Include a prominent, clearly labeled call-to-action button that stands out, and link it directly to a simple, mobile-friendly donation page where the donor can complete their gift with minimal clicks or steps.

Fundraising Email Templates and Resources

Recurring Donation Appeals

Dear [First Name],

At [Organization Name], we believe in the power of sustained support. That’s why I’m reaching out to invite you to join our special group of recurring donors.

By becoming a monthly donor, you can provide consistent, reliable support that allows us to plan ahead and maximize our impact. Even a small monthly gift of [amount] can make a big difference over time, helping us [describe what monthly donations fund, such as feeding families, providing education, etc.].

Signing up is easy, and you can change or cancel your donation at any time. Click here to start your monthly giving today: [Link to recurring donation page]

Thank you for considering this important step in our partnership. Your ongoing support means the world to us.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Organization Name]

Giving Tuesday Email Templates

Dear [First Name],

Today is Giving Tuesday, a global day of generosity, and we’re thrilled to announce an incredible opportunity for you to double your impact!

Thanks to a generous matching gift, every donation made today will be doubled, meaning your support can go twice as far in helping us [describe the impact, such as providing meals, shelter, education, etc.].

This Giving Tuesday, we’re aiming to raise [goal amount] to support [specific cause or project]. Will you join us in making a difference? Your donation today will have twice the power to change lives.

Donate now and make a lasting impact: [Link to donation page]

Thank you for standing with us on this special day of giving.


[Your Name]
[Organization Name]

End of year

 Dear [First Name],

As we approach the end of the year, I wanted to reach out and thank you for the incredible support you’ve shown throughout [year]. Your generosity has helped us achieve so much, but there’s still more work to be done.

With just a few days left in the year, now is the perfect time to make one last tax-deductible donation to [Organization Name]. Your year-end gift will help us start [next year] strong and continue our critical work in [briefly describe the organization’s mission or a specific initiative].

Please consider making a final contribution to support our efforts. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goals.

Make your year-end gift today: [Link to donation page]

Thank you for being a part of our community and for all that you do to support our mission.

Wishing you a happy and healthy new year,

[Your Name]
[Organization Name]

First-time donor appeal

Dear [First Name],

I’m excited to introduce you to [Organization Name] and invite you to become a part of our community of supporters. For [years/months], we’ve been dedicated to [briefly describe your mission], and with your help, we can continue to make a real impact.

As a first-time donor, your contribution of just [amount] can help us [specific impact, such as provide meals, fund a project, etc.]. Your support is critical to our work, and we would be honored to have you join us in our mission.

Making your first donation is easy – simply click here: [Link to donation page]

Thank you for considering this important step. We look forward to having you as part of our team and making a difference together.


[Your Name]
[Organization Name]

Lapsed donor appeal

Dear [First Name],

It’s been a while since we last heard from you, and we want you to know that your past support made a real difference. At [Organization Name], we’ve been working hard to [briefly describe recent efforts or achievements], but we can’t do it without you.

We understand that life gets busy, but your support is more important than ever. We’re reaching out today to ask if you would consider renewing your commitment to our cause. Your donation of [amount] could help us [specific impact, such as continue a program, expand services, etc.].

If you’re able to give, please click here to make your donation: [Link to donation page]

Thank you for your past generosity, and we hope to have you back with us as we continue to work toward our mission.


[Your Name]
[Organization Name]

Participate in a peer-to-peer event appeal

Dear [First Name],

We’re excited to announce our upcoming event, [Event Name], and we want YOU to be a part of it! This year, we’re launching a special peer-to-peer fundraising campaign, and we need passionate supporters like you to help us reach our goal.

Participating is easy – simply create your own fundraising page, share it with friends and family, and watch as your network helps us raise crucial funds for [Organization Name].

Not only will you be helping us achieve our mission, but you’ll also have the chance to win some exciting prizes and recognition as a top fundraiser.

Ready to get started? Click here to join our team: [Link to peer-to-peer fundraising page]

Thank you for your support and for helping us make this event a success!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Organization Name]

In-kind donation appeal

 Dear [First Name],

At [Organization Name], we rely on the generosity of our community to continue our mission of [briefly describe mission]. While financial donations are always appreciated, we also have a great need for in-kind donations that help us keep our programs running smoothly.

Currently, we’re in need of [specific items, such as clothing, food, office supplies, etc.]. If you have any of these items or know someone who does, your donation would be greatly appreciated.

Donating is easy – simply drop off your items at [location] or contact us to arrange a pickup.

Every in-kind donation helps us provide better services to those in need, and we thank you for considering this important way to give.

With gratitude,

[Your Name]
[Organization Name]

Send donation letters for free with Zeffy

No matter what kind of fundraising email you want to send, Zeffy can help. With all-in-one fundraising tools — including free donor management and engagement capabilities like automatic emails and free CRM tools — Zeffy can help your nonprofit succeed, no matter its mission.

While every other platform takes fees away from your mission, Zeffy delivers 100% of it to your nonprofit. In the last year, nonprofits paid $3 billion in transaction fees. With Zeffy, nonprofits can rest assured that they’ll never be charged a cent, and that all donations will go straight to supporting their mission.

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