How is Zeffy free?
How is Zeffy free?
Zeffy relies entirely on optional contributions from donors. At the payment confirmation step - we ask donors to leave an optional contribution to Zeffy.
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How does Zeffy work? Get to know our help centre.

August 15, 2023

Zeffy has a lot of free fundraising tools for nonprofits: event management and ticketing, donation forms, peer-to-peer campaigns, membership, eCommerce, the list goes on. Knowing how to use them all is asking a lot.

We created our help centre to answer all your FAQs and provide you with quite a few step-by-step guides. Really, if you’ve got a question, chances are the answer is already in our help centre. Don’t get us wrong, we love hearing from you! But, if you’re in a rush or like to figure things out on your own, our Help Centre is here to help. And, using it is as easy as asking it a question. How does it work? Here’s a bit of a TL;DR:

Step one:

Go to or get there by clicking on “Documentation” in the footer at the bottom of any the pages on our website.

Step two:

Click on the category that best describes your question:

  • About Zeffy
  • Getting started with Zeffy
  • Donations and Campaigns
  • Ticketing
  • Donor Management
  • Bank and Payments
  • Data
  • Legal
  • Zeffy for Donors
  • Volunteering

Or, type your question in the “Search for answers” box at the top of the page.

Step three:

Select the question that comes closest to what it is you’d like to know, read the step-by-step answers, and watch the how to video! (Not all our FAQs come with a how to video, but a lot of them do!)

That’s it! It’s as easy as that. And, of course, if you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, reach out to us and we’ll help you find it! (And, we’ll add your missing question to our Help Centre so everyone can learn from it.)

The 10 most popular questions our nonprofit organizations search for:

How do I share my Zeffy form?
Introducing: New Dashboard Tabs!
Terms and Conditions of use—NPO.
How can I scan an e-ticket at the door? (It’s easy with Zeffy’s online ticketing!)
How often/when do I get my payout?
Can I import data to Zeffy?
What payment methods does Zeffy accept?
Do you integrate with other tools?
Zeffy Samples.
How to get started on Zeffy.

Some of the most searched terms:

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How does Zeffy work? Get to know our feature request page.

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